September 19, 2024

Coney Island residents’ opinions of the Pacers and other NBA logos.

NBA logos: What people on Coney Island think of Pacers logo

With an NBA twist, the NFL’s best 2023 schedule is revealed, with the Indiana Pacers serving as the “Police Department.”

The Brooklyn Nets went to Coney Island and tested guests on NBA logos in response to the Tennessee Titans’ clever schedule release video from earlier this season.

You would have matched some of these if you guessed “LSU Tigers,” “Shazam,” “Insurance,” and “Where an Ax Murderer is Keeping All His Stuff in the Closet.” One person correctly identified one logo, but her partner thought otherwise and chose to guess “an alien landing on Coney Island.”

Five things to know about the Pacers’ 2023–24 schedule are the main takeaways.

In any case, the Police Department will face the Nets three times: on April 3 in Brooklyn and on March 16 and April 1 in Indianapolis.


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