September 19, 2024

### Gear Failure on Plane During Takeoff at RDU: No Injuries Reported

**Raleigh-Durham, NC – September 11, 2024** – In a dramatic incident at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) yesterday, a small aircraft experienced a gear failure during takeoff. The plane, which had only two individuals onboard, encountered mechanical issues that led to an emergency situation. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

The incident occurred around 3:30 PM when the aircraft, a single-engine plane operated by a private aviation company, was preparing for takeoff from Runway 23L. According to preliminary reports from airport officials, the plane’s landing gear failed to retract properly after takeoff, leaving the aircraft in a precarious situation.

**Emergency Response and Safety Measures**

Immediately following the malfunction, the aircraft’s pilot contacted air traffic control, notifying them of the gear issue. RDU’s emergency response team was promptly dispatched to the scene, and preparations were made for a potential emergency landing. The airport’s fire and rescue units were positioned on standby to address any potential hazards.

The pilot, demonstrating exceptional skill and composure, managed to maintain control of the aircraft despite the compromised gear. The plane circled the airport for approximately 45 minutes, allowing time for emergency personnel to be fully prepared for the aircraft’s return.

In a well-coordinated effort, the aircraft successfully landed on Runway 23L. The landing was executed with a controlled descent, and emergency crews were able to assist the passengers and crew without incident. Both individuals onboard were reported to be unharmed, and they were safely evacuated from the aircraft.

**Investigation and Next Steps**

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has initiated an investigation into the cause of the gear failure. Preliminary findings suggest that a mechanical fault may have been responsible, though a thorough inspection and review of the aircraft’s maintenance records will be necessary to determine the exact cause.

RDU officials have expressed their appreciation for the swift and effective response of both the pilot and the emergency teams. Airport Director, Lisa Carter, praised the coordinated efforts, stating, “The professionalism and preparedness of everyone involved were critical in ensuring the safety of those onboard. We’re grateful that there were no injuries and that our systems and procedures worked as intended.”

The incident highlights the importance of rigorous maintenance and safety protocols in aviation. Regular inspections and timely repairs are essential to prevent such occurrences and to ensure the safety of passengers and crew alike.

As the investigation continues, the aircraft involved will remain under review, and any necessary safety recommendations will be implemented to enhance future flight operations. In the meantime, Raleigh-Durham International Airport remains fully operational, with normal flight schedules continuing as planned.


The gear failure incident at RDU serves as a reminder of the complex and sometimes unpredictable nature of aviation. Thanks to the quick thinking and expertise of the pilot and emergency responders, what could have been a disastrous situation was resolved without injury. The aviation community will await further details from the ongoing investigation to better understand and prevent such occurrences in the future.

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